Good Afternoon St. Stephen Families!
And the winners are......
- 2nd grade for having the best Matching Monday outfits. (The class had an ice cream Sunday party yesterday.)
- 6th grade for having the highest parent attendance at the last PTCO meeting. (The class played kickball yesterday with Mrs. Gurley and Mr. Brozak during their extra recess.)
- St. Jude House for winning the Penny Wars. (Prize TBD)
- SSCS for having the Best Students!!
Last Friday, when everyone went home early, the teachers took part in a professional development from BrainTracks on Executive Function Skills. These are skills students need to begin a task, stay focused, and complete it in a timely manner. Having these skills allow students to be organized and to manage their time and emotions. The presenter gave our teachers some great information to help motivate students to be pro-active in their learning. As part of our agreement with this presenter, they are also providing a parent training in Executive Function. It will be help via a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 6:30 pm. There are details below. You can learn more about the company at . Please plan to join in to learn more about helping your child develop these skills at home.
Helping your children to develop organizational skills can also help us keep the school day running smoothly by ensuring your child has everything they need before leaving home! Lunches, water bottles, homework, and other essentials should all be packed the night before or double-checked in the morning. This helps minimize classroom disruptions and ensures your child is fully prepared for the day ahead. Please understand that we cannot guarantee items dropped off at the office will be delivered to the classroom. There is not always someone available to make the delivery and we do not call students out of class to pick up items. We understand the occasional emergency, but it has become a daily occurrence. Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us create a great learning environment for all!
It's hard to believe, but Terra Nova testing week is almost here. Please start talking to your students about this and how they should try their best to show off what they know. Reliable data is important for making curriculum decisions and meeting the needs of our students. Click on the link below to learn more about this assessment.
Please continue to read all of Tidbits to learn about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
Linda Umoh