Good Afternoon St. Stephen Families!
It is that time of year again when we start planning for the following school year. Below you will find everything you need to know about Continuous Enrollment, tuition rates, and scholarships. This information was also emailed to everyone yesterday. Please be sure to read my letter carefully as there is a good deal of important information. Most important to remember is everyone will be re-enrolled for next year on Feb. 3 unless you tell us you plan to withdraw your child. Feb. 3 is also the day you will be charged the registration fee for the new school year. Take the time to read through everything and reach out if you have any questions.
Next Thursday, we will have our PTCO General Meeting. Mrs. Dieringer will be presenting valuable resources for parents to aid in keeping students safe on the internet. She will also talk about tools parents can use to monitor their children's activity. If you have any questions or concerns you would like me to address at the meeting, please complete this
Google Form by Tuesday, Jan. 21.
Mark you calendars for Feb. 1. Step Up for Students applications for renewal and new students will be available on Saturday, February 1. To ensure renewing students receive priority, families must submit their application by Wed., April 30. After this date, all students will be processed as "new students" due to legislative changes for this year. EVERYONE MUST REAPPLY!
It is also time for Catholic Schools Week which begins on January 26. Please bring your child to Mass that weekend to show your Catholic School pride as we kick off an exciting week. The schedule of activities can be found below.
As stated last week, this is also the month that Mass attendance is checked to determine your tuition rate for next year. Much is happening and I can't stress enough how important it is to read Tidbits. Thank you and have a wonderful long weekend.
Linda Umoh